Nespresso Case Study1. a) How did Nestle position Nespresso when it was launched in 1986? Who was the target customer?Feb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
The Psychology Behind HeuristicsIndividuals do not easily take fast decisions without thinking, instead, individuals rely on heuristics that direct them to take fast…Sep 23, 2023Sep 23, 2023
Decision MakingHuman minds are not machines that operate perfectly, and humans do not always think flawlessly. Researchers have studied how humans think…Sep 23, 2023Sep 23, 2023
Employee MotivationMotivation is a very important factor within organisations. Many researchers remark on the relationship between motivation and job…Mar 13, 2022Mar 13, 2022
Refugees Against The WorldThere have been countless wars, battles, empires, and political conflicts throughout history. Not too long ago, kingdoms’ and empires’…Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Reshaping HR DepartmentsBusinesses are adapting as the world is continuously developing and laws are changing. Although organizations in developed countries have…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022