Refugees Against The World
There have been countless wars, battles, empires, and political conflicts throughout history. Not too long ago, kingdoms’ and empires’ strategy was to expand continuously. Thus, they direct their armies to conquer other nations and rule their lands. Consequently, individuals from both parties that do not wish to get involved in such conflicts seek refuge in other areas. Although those refugees fled their homelands rather than battle for them, most of those refugees would be endlessly waiting to return to their motherlands. However, they do not return home as their lives are in danger by a war that will get them or their beloved ones killed. Accepting most refugees is not easy since many of them would be of various socioeconomic classes.
Countries with a high percentage of nationalists would stand against refugees because they are simply foreigners, and they are there to steal their jobs. Just like anything else, hosting refugees have positive and negative aspects. For instance, hosting refugees might increase the competition in employment, but at the same time, it would increase the income tax paid. Refugees enlargen the economy by increasing the flow of money circulation through the economy. In addition to that, some of the refugees already hold Higher Education degrees in essential fields such as healthcare. Refugees also fill gaps in jobs that many locals do not accept doing. For example, most Uber drivers in the UK are immigrants from ethnic backgrounds. If refugees and immigrants had not come to the UK, there would probably be a noticeable gap in Uber drivers.
Refugees could cause a huge liability to the hosting governments. The presence of refugees could generate higher bills on governments in education, healthcare, integration programs, infrastructure, and other various sectors. Yet, over the long-term, these refugees or their second generations will return all of these investments to the government’s treasury. Once these refugees integrate and feel included, they will start settling and rooting within the society. The community will even simultaneously rely on these refugees and their additions to society.
Governments are the only factor that can change the equation in accepting refugees. In other words, governments can very easily change anti-refugee perspectives through campaigns that explain the importance of these refugees’ presence. A government should explain to its citizens that these refugees did not flee their countries to live luxurious lives in other countries. Instead, refugees had to flee their homelands to survive and live a peaceful standard of life. Yet, this refugee can become wealthy and live a luxurious life over the long term. Governments should also mention to their citizens that some of these refugees were enormously rich in their homelands. Thus, they could be very wealthy individuals with a “refugee/asylum” status in another country.
Individuals around the world should be more lenient and tolerant towards refugees. Governments have to aware their citizens of the differences between immigrants and refugees. As immigrants are individuals that move from one country to the other for the sake of earning more money. Whereas, refugees are people that were living in their homelands a normal life, but wars or other conflicts threatening their lives had forced them to leave. Having immigrants, tourists, and even refugees altogether add great value to a country’s economy. Some politicians might claim that younger “male” refugees should not be taken in and given asylum status. Instead, some politicians suggest that young males should be sent back to their homelands and fight for their lands. Such calls corrupt the standard intention, of most refugees, which is having the right to live a peaceful life away from conflicts.
In conclusion, governments should either change their public affairs to work hard to sort out any immerging conflict or they should simply accept the presence of refugees. Sadly, not all refugees flee their homelands only because of wars. Many refugees had to flee their countries because of other reasons such as religious, racial, political, and even sexual orientation. Governments in developed countries such as the US, UK, and Europe should work hard on the defusion of refugees within their communities. Understanding that individuals have the right to choose whether they want to face the conflict they have, or flee and run away from it. However, these individuals should be respected even if they had chosen to become refugees in a foreign country. Finally, the key to achieving the integration between refugees and citizens is: people should always put humanity above everything else.